Beginner Basics
Where do I start?
It can feel like a minefield trying to make sustainable and eco-friendly choices in life. I especially feel this, when I realise how much I have taken for granted, the areas where I have just gone along with societal norms or others in which I find I have no knowledge or education at all!
As there are so many things to consider, I thought I would do a series of blogs around ‘Beginner Basics’ to help you know where to start in becoming more eco-friendly. And if you have already started, it may even help you to progress from wherever you are!
I will be looking at things like waste, how to make the most of recycling, explaining eco terms, how to shop, the 5 R’s (yes, I know, I also thought there were only 3) and much much more.
All this is not necessarily basic – but I am going to try to make it so!
To do this, I am not planning to go into too much depth on certain topics within this series. Some issues are complex and will require a focus all of their own in order to explain properly. I will go into more detail in future posts, but for now, I want to start with takeaways for today, things you can do right now to help the environment.
Takeaways for today
Here are a few things that are going to help you on this journey:
Be a learner – stay curious
Be up for making changes. Even if that is one change at a time.
Putting time aside to reflect and plan.
Celebrate the wins
Track your progress
Don’t be judgemental or be critical of yourself or others. Do your best.
Do it in community – talk to your friends and family to see if anyone wants to join in. You can share tips and encourage one another along the way.
Progress Tracker
My messy notebook where I track my progress
Celebrating wins and tracking my progress has been such a fun and life-giving part of the process for me. I decided early on, I needed to make a record of the alternative products I was trying so I knew how long they lasted, and how cost effective they were. My records turned into a great way to view my progress and celebrate wins!
Also having one place to keep track of different companies and product names is a brain space saver. The more packaging free options you choose the less packaging you will have left to remind you what an item was or where it was from.
As I try out eco-friendly options, I find more and more that become my go to favs and make me so happy every time I use them because they represent so much good for me and the environment.
Why not start tracking your progress today?
You could start by writing a few points on why you want to make changes to become more eco-friendly. What’s your motivation?
Or start your records by writing down changes you have already made. Then celebrate!