Work with me

Eco Consultations tailored to you and your home


Home Consultations

Ever wish you had more time, resources or know-how to make better choices for yourself and the planet?

I can help you! Work with me and get personalised advice to make your home, and lifestyle, more sustainable and eco-friendly.

To book yourself a consultation, or to find out more, click on the Eco Consultation you are interested in.


One Area Focus

Business Consultancy

  • Foundations

    “Let the Earth offers a brilliant service in a field that can be confusing and hard to navigate. Frances is knowledgeable and passionate about the “eco-friendly” life. She will work with you to find out what the next best step is for you personally, whether you’ve just started on the journey or are well into it. Frances is thorough and non-judgemental… and she gives samples! Amazing!” - Rachel

  • One Area Focus

    “Frances’ passion for all things eco is infectious and inspiring! She explained everything so clearly, was so genuinely non-judgemental and I so appreciated how she carefully considered our specific personal situation when making recommendations.“

  • One Area Focus

    “Thorough and in depth consultation that focused on my own Eco aspirations with excellent research on short & long term options. Feedback included a range of products, suppliers and recipes including local providers.

    Whilst demonstrating true commitment to eco- friendly solutions there was also an appreciation of my own time and financial constraints.”