When talking to people about the environment feelings of powerlessness will always come up. This powerlessness will also have other emotions in tow.

Let the Earth Forum
There are those moments in time when dreams come true. By dreams I mean a desires, longings, that were hoped for and held for a long time. This forum has been one of them.

Grow Your Own
A great way to learn more about nature and invest in your own immediate environment. Growing your own herbs, fruit and vegetables takes time but is so rewarding in the long run and can work out cheaper than buying in stores.

Buy intentionally
Intentionality has been one of my favourite ways to save money and make great choices for the environment. I find it simplifies and refines our values helping us to follow through on them.
This is a tag cloud of my blog topics so far. Click on the one you’re interested in to see all the blogs in that series.